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How to Schedule Posts on LinkedIn with Postcron, the LinkedIn Scheduler Tool

Por Eugenia Skaf |


How to Schedule Posts on LinkedIn with Postcron, the LinkedIn Scheduler Tool


With the integration of Postcron and LinkedIn you can schedule posts on LinkedIn automatically and always have your account up to date. This has been one of the most requested features by our users, as LinkedIn continues to grow and consolidate itself as the world’s most important professional network.

Why should you publish your content on LinkedIn?

There are many reasons why you should schedule posts on LinkedIn. Here are some of the main ones:

  1. LinkedIn helps you increase your web traffic! According to a study by a specialized site, econsultancy, LinkedIn sends four times more visitors to business websites than Twitter and Facebook. To find out, researchers conducted a two-year study involving the analysis of 2 million visitors to 60 corporate websites. The results spoke about how much traffic each network referred:
    • LinkedIn: 64% of visits to websites from social media.
    • Facebook: 17%
    • Twitter: 14%

    Which is why we suggest joining this network!

  2. LinkedIn has more than 300 million active users, which makes it the third largest social network. Realizing your communication campaigns on this site is important for both the amount of traffic you can bring to your website, and because it is a qualified audience
  3. Simply sharing a status on LinkedIn, reaches 20% of your followers! This figure is very positive, especially when compared to other Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter, where one post only allows you to organically reach less than 10%.
  4. LinkedIn is the leader in Social Media conversions! This is proven by a study done by specialists at HubSpot, in which the websites of more than 5,000 businesses were analyzed. Research reveals that traffic from LinkedIn generates a higher conversion rate on guided visitors, which is of 2.74%, 227% higher than Facebook (.77%) and Twitter (.69%)! Below you can see the corresponding graphic:

Learn how to schedule posts on linkedin automatically

How can you schedule posts on LinkedIn pages and profiles automatically with Postcron (the LinkedIn Scheduler)?

Now that you know why it’s so important to post your content on LinkedIn, I will show how you can schedule posts (LinkedIn company updates and profiles) to be published automatically on the day and time you specify. This will save you time on work and allow you to always be present on this professional social network. You can also publish automatically on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

How to schedule posts on linkedin automatically

How to schedule posts on LinkedIn with a LinkedIn scheduling tool: 

  1. Sign into your Postcron account through Facebook, Twitter, or GooglePlus.
    Postcron dashboard
  2. Next, select the LinkedIn account(s) where you want to publish. You can add new accounts using the LinkedIn button, as shown in the image below.
    Add LinkedIn account
  3. The next step is to upload the content you want to share on LinkedIn and Schedule your post.Schedule posts on LinkedIn

You can schedule posts on LinkedIn with Postcron for free! Try it now

Schedule Posts on LinkedIn – EXTRA TIP!

You can upload lots of posts at once, using a spreadsheet on Google Docs! This option allows you to save time and schedule hundreds of LinkedIn company updates in a single work session. To use it, just follow these steps:

  1. First, you must create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets (whose file extension is .csv) respecting the format filling as detailed below. Click on the image below to get our model spreadsheet, which can be used as a guide and be filled with your own content.

    Click on the image to download our model spreadsheet

    How to schedule posts on linkedin automatically

    Once you are on the spreadsheet, all you have to do is enter the posts you want to schedule. It’s very important that you enter the information in the following order:

    • In column A, place the text of each post.
    • In column B, insert the year in which you want to publish.
    • In column C, put the month in which you want to publish.
    • In column D, enter the day in which you want to publish.
    • In column E, insert the hour that you want it to be published (eg 18).
    • In column F, write the minute that you want the tweet to be posted (eg 45)
    • In column G, place a link to a photo to accompany your post (the image must be .JPG or .PNG to be scheduled correctly).
    • In column H, insert a link to your site or page you want.

    The last two columns are not mandatory, so they can be left empty if you want.

    In addition, each of the horizontal rows represents a post, i.e. if you filled five rows, you will have scheduled five publications.

  2. Once your .csv file (spreadsheet) is ready, go to your Postcron account, select your LinkedIn account(s) in which you want to publish the posts, and click on the option “Or upload a file with lots of  posts all at once“, as shown in the image below.
  3. Then, select your file. Once you start uploading, you have to wait a few seconds until you see a preview of the images and then you can confirm the upload.

That’s all! If you prefer, you can click on the link to see a two-minute video tutorial, where we explain how to schedule lots of posts at once with the LinkedIn Scheduler


Following the instructions on how to schedule posts on LinkedIn automatically will allow you to make sure your account is always up to date.

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