Postcron es el Arma Secreta de los Community Managers Probar Postcron gratis

By Josefina Casas

3 things you need to know to develop a Buyer Persona successfully

In the last article we talked about the importance of Storytelling in image building and brand positioning, and also to strengthen  relationships with our customers/audience (among other things obviously). But … we skipped something FUNDAMENTAL: getting to know and defining our Buyer Persona before actually producing any content. I’ve started this article by referencing storytelling because […]

By Josefina Casas

Social Media Trends 2014: the latest data, infographics and statistics

This article isn’t just a “copy-paste” of an infographic that’s turned viral on the web with the trends on social networks 2014. We’ve gathered and analyzed more than a dozen of those to select the most relevant information so you can find the most remarkable of 2013 and the expectations for 2014 in only one […]

By Josefina Casas

Storytelling: What it is and why all social media managers must use it

  Know why the  “Impossible is nothing” Adidas campaign was so successful? Most would say that it wasn’t because of the technology or the attractiveness of their shoes, nor was it due to a sexy model perfectly sweaty and disheveled, dribbling the ball and revealing his ultra worked quadriceps that allow him to kick the […]

By Josefina Casas

What is a Social Media Manager? and, What does a Social Media Manager do?

  Have you ever wondered what is a social media manager or what does a social media manager do? And what’s more – the difference between that and a Community Manager? Well, you’re not actually alone in this dilemma, there’s a fine line that separates and characterizes these positions, even specialists have difficulty defining this role. With […]

By Eugenia Skaf

The Ultimate Guide for Social Media Image Dimensions For 2020 – with Infographic

Image Sizes And Dimensions For Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest and More (Includes Sizes for Profile Pictures, Banners, Shared Images and Much More for All the Social Network) As always I’m going to be completely honest: all the information on image and social media sizes, including banners, headers, profile photos, etc. have changed so many times […]

By Josefina Casas

Who Unfollowed Me on Twitter: how to clean up your Twitter account

The time’s here to be a proud “forever alone” and face the truth about: “ who unfollowed me on Twitter ” so we can clean up our timeline. Yes ladies and gentlemen, nowadays being a “loner” and a wicked “unfollower” on this platform is key for those who want their timeline to be a better […]

By Josefina Casas

How to create a content calendar = How to be a happier blogger

  Throughout this time I’ve discovered that in order to be more productive, make my boss happier, build stronger bonds with my readers, achieve Postcron’s goals and on top of that have a (good) life I needed to BE ORGANIZED. As that’s not naturally the case, on the contrary, I’m really scatter brained, I want […]

By Josefina Casas

7 reasons why you don’t have followers on Twitter

This article isn’t intented for the sensitive or those not interested in improving their Twitter image.. Yes, let’s lay the cards on the table right from the start. However, if you have a sense of humor and now and then a bit of self-assessment this article is harmless and very useful (maybe even entertaining). Before […]

By Josefina Casas

How the hell do I come up with a viral tweet!?

  It is true that the big factor that determines the “virality” of a content is luck but there are common aspects that every viral tweet has, and we’ll be reviewing them in this article. We obviously can’t create a step by step manual on how to come up with super “shareable” content since each […]

By Josefina Casas

SEO for Blogs 101: the Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Learning SEO for blogs is much simpler than it seems. In today’s post we’re gonna provide you with the basics in the simplest way possible. so that each and everyone of you can get started on it right away. You’ll see that the myth  (SEO = “very complicated”) is just that, a myth.. Okay, Let’s get started! My story about the […]