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Email Marketing: Efficiency Does Not Exist Without Strategy

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Email Marketing

Setting a strategy and executing it is essential in practically every task that exists in a business. Although it may seem so, it is not simple to know how to plan a strategy and put it into practice. Therefore, today we will see in depth the strategies that can serve to communicate with customers, specifically those that have to do with email marketing, that is to say, through mass mailing.

How to make an effective strategy with an email marketing tool in 5 steps

Let’s see, step by step, what should be the strategic process of sending massive emails. There are 5 steps you should follow if you want to have success in a short or long term with email marketing.

1.- Choosing an Effective Email Marketing Tool

Within that large number of effective and professional tools that you can find in the market, you will surely ask yourself: Which one should I choose? The one that most comes close to your needs.

With several years dedicated to email marketing and after listening to many customers, I can tell you to analyze it well and choose an application that is intuitive, besides to offering technical support in your language.

Another factor to keep in mind and one of the most important is to be an email marketing application already on the market, such as Mailchimp or Mailify. This type of tools ensures a very high delivery rate. Do not invent with email marketing tools for very cheap they may be if they are not able to guarantee that your email will reach the inbox of your recipients.

It is also important that they offer many templates and has a graphic editor of its own; in the end, that you have many alternatives at the time of designing your newsletter.


2.- Set up an Email Marketing campaign strategy

Once you’ve already chosen your mass emailing tool, it’s time to think about what you want to achieve with it.

Although most people and businesses believe that there is only one business purpose, email marketing offers more possibilities:

  • Commercial: These types of campaigns are the traditional and the most used. They are too focused in the short term and try to generate impulsive sales. They work very well to get customers to know about a current promotion and strategy to introduce a new product between your contacts.
  • Loyalty: It is advisable to make a loyalty campaign at least once a month with an effective tool. The objective is to strengthen the relationship with customers and achieve sales in the medium term.
  • Informative or communicative: This strategy focuses more on the intention of communicating with clients to inform them for example, changes in the website. It is also used at the time to welcome your contact list or to get feedback on a sale or service offered.
  • Location: This type of campaigns serves mainly to promote a physical store. They are usually put in place to report on the location of physical stores, new openings and location changes. Being very visual, they are very attractive and of interest to the users.

The idea is to go changing the typologies of the campaigns through an effective email marketing tool to achieve all the objectives.

3.- Set Meters: Metrics and KPI

How will I know if I’m doing everything right? That’s what metrics and KPIs are all about. The difference between KPIs and metrics is that the metrics are mathematical formulas that will lead us to comply with the KPI. Surely an example is better understood:

If you are doing a commercial campaign, a KPI could  increase online sales. To comply, we will do metrics: to increase traffic to the website by 30%, invoice X amount of money for the campaign and get a CTR of 6%.

This step is very important and above all, we must be realistic. We cannot expect that with an email marketing campaign we will achieve a conversion of 40% when the average oscillates between 3%.

For each strategy you must establish different KPIs and metrics; do not try to achieve the same with a loyalty campaign than with a location.


4.- Create the Email Marketing Campaign

It’s time to create an effective campaign with the tool you chose in the first step. The most recommended is that you use a template because it will make the task much easier. Otherwise, it is also a good option to use the graphic editor of your email marketing tool.

For each strategy there are a number of templates that fit your intentions very well:

  • Business Newsletter

Commercial newsletters are easily highlighted because they have prices or percentages. Also, The Call To Action button is very important: Commercial campaigns generally aim to convert leads into sales. Taking into account that the Call To Action is directed to the website of the object being promoted, they become a key element.

If you accompany these elements with images of the product, you will get an attractive and converting newsletter.

template candybox1

  • Loyalty Newsletter

These templates are more aimed at entertaining, inspiring, to educate the readers. You can send them tips on how to use your products, interesting information related to the sector or blog articles that talk about the range of products. Its difference with the commercial newsletters is that, when making a loyalty campaign, Call To Action is directed to posts or pages of interest.

Remember that the goal here is not to get an immediate sale, but to strengthen the relationship with customers to face future sales.


  • Informative Newsletter

Newsletters for informational purposes serve to communicate and inform the client on various matters. For example, it is important that you add the contact information with you or your company.

Another common feature of these newsletters typology is to point out if there have been any changes to your website.

templateconcept mailify

  • Location Newsletter

This type of newsletters is the least used since it is not usual in a business to open a new physical store or change its location. Usually, they are used more to remind customers the address in which they can find the physical store.

Ideally, you can insert an image of a map to make it more visual and attractive in the eyes of users. They are very effective if you want to increase the traffic of people in your physical store.


5.- Analyze the chosen strategy

By last, it’s time to analyze how your campaign worked. If you choose email marketing tools to make your shipments, effectiveness is almost assured. You only need to review your internal analytic data to discover the opening rate, read time, rejection rate, and many valuable statistics.

In this step, you’ll need to check the results of your campaign and see if you’ve achieved the goals you set in step 3.

And that’s it! By following these 5 steps you can execute your communication strategy effectively with an email marketing tool.