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By Rocklynn Valerio

Facebook Live Videos: how to make live videos step by step along with 7 tips so they’ll be a hit in your social media strategy

It’s no coincidence that 78% of content consumed on social networks is audiovisual content. Videos are the preferred content of users, and more companies are increasingly adding audiovisual content in their social media strategy to reach their potential clients. Facebook already knows this and as usual know hows to take advantage of the situation by […]

By Elisabet Parera

8 new SEO techniques that will take your business further on Google

Showing up in the first search engine results is every webpage owner’s dream. And if you’re reading this is because you can relate to some extent. That’s normal because… Who doesn’t want to be at the top of Google and as a result gain visibility, qualified traffic and a lot more money? In order to […]

By Elisabet Parera

Facebook Ads has changed: Are you taking advantage of the 6 most important update?

As usual, the Facebook Ads service has recently launched diverse updates whose characteristics could affect your Online Marketing campaigns. That’s why we’re sharing the 6 Facebook Ads Changes you need to keep in mind to carry out successful Facebook Ads campaigns from here on out. Facebook Ads, A Constantly Expanding Service First off, we should […]

By Eugenia Skaf

Instagram Stories: everything you need to know to get the max out of this feature

  Since it was acquired by Facebook, Instagram has constantly been renovating: its latest update is Instagram Stories. What is this feature? What is it for? What critiques has it gotten? We’ll ell you all this, plus much more, in this post. What is Instagram Stories? Instagram Stories gives users the possibility to create short videos […]

By Elisabet Parera

Advertising on Instagram: how to publish ads that actually sell in just 10 steps!

    We are in the visual era and you gotta take advantage of it; you’re not going to get a better opportunity to take your business to the top. For some additional info, our brains process an image 60,000 times faster than a text and there are numerous studies which demonstrate that we only remember […]