Create the best images to your LinkedIn profile picture, cover photo, and post images on your own. Select the canvas that you need, choose one of the templates, type your text and you are done!
Find here the best tips and pieces of advice to create the perfect images for your LinkedIn content.
520x320 / 520x272
Select this canvas to create all your LinkedIn image posts with the correct size and show how professional you are in your posts.
Make sure that your LinkedIn profile image looks perfect on every device, creating or editing it in this template with the correct sizes.
Show a professional LinkedIn banner photo creating it with the correct LinkedIn cover photo size.
Show a professional Business Page on LinkedIn creating it with the correct LinkedIn cover photo size.
LINKEDIN PHOTOSizes and Practical Tips for Conquering Your Public
LinkedIn is currently the largest Social Network for professionals in the entire world with more than 450 million users. That’s why you too must be present here! Today we’re going to teach you how to take advantage of images on LinkedIn for your own personal gain.
To start, let’s take a quick look at the main advantages of using images on LinkedIn and what the recommended image sizes are for the site. To wrap it all up we’re going to share the best tips so you can get the most out of your images.
What Are the Benefits of Using Images on LinkedIn?
Images are not only beneficial on LinkedIn, but all Social Networks. The use of images is fundamental for increasing your engagement. Why? Because they attract clients to your posts through their “Stopping Power”.
That means that a post on LinkedIn that’s lacking photos will seem much less attractive than post whose text is followed by an illustrative image.
That being said, using images on LinkedIn will allow you to:
- Catch your public’s attention while they view their Newsfeed.
- Visually transmit the concepts you share in your posts.
- Cause users to associate attractive images with your brand or business.
- Increase engagement and the amount of interactions each of your publications receives.
Now, in order for your visual strategy to work, it’s important that you follow the recommended LinkedIn image size to make your photos look attractive, professional and have the proper resolution.
Here are LinkedIn Photo’s recommended sizes:
- Profile -
• LinkedIn Profile Picture: 400x400 pixels.
- Covers -
• LinkedIn Profile Cover Picture: 800x200 pixels.
• LinkedIn Business Cover Picture: 1536x768 pixels.
• Logo standard: 400x400 pixels.
- Posts -
• LinkedIn Post: 520x320 pixels.
• LinkedIn link Post: 520x272 pixels.
What Are the Recommended LinkedIn Image Sizes?
And now that you know what sizes to use for your images, let’s take a look at some essential tips you should follow in order to get the max effectiveness from your photos.
Practical Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your LinkedIn Photos
1- Always Be Professional
Being that LinkedIn works as an Online Resume for people and businesses, all the images published under your name, or your brand, must be professional. Meaning that they should be serious, attractive and reliable. Remember that this represents you!
2- Share Infographics: It’s highly recommended to utilize infographics in order to get the largest amount of interactions from your audience. Why? Because people love them! The unique combination of text and image makes people want to share them.
3- Avoid Inappropriate Images: Like we were saying earlier, LinkedIn is the best place to build your professional image… and destroy it! In order to avoid the latter, we advise omitting violent, obscene, politically incorrect and indiscreet photos from this Social Network.
4- Always Tag People and Organizations that Are Pertinent:
Lastly, in order to maximize the diffusion of your posts with photos, the best thing you can do (it has to be pertinent, meaning it’s not forced) is to tag the people and organizations present in your images and posts. This will give you the most visibility!